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The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) requires commercial organisations supplying goods and services with a turnover in excess of £36 mill. to prepare and publish an annual “Slavery and Trafficking” statement.


The annual turnover of Imaginative Cuisine Limited (The Company) is less  than this turnover threshold and so it is not bound to produce such a  “Slavery and Trafficking” statement.


Nevertheless, the company is aware that in discharging its commitment to an ethical trading policy, it is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Accordingly, the Company ensures that within its own organisation and those of its suppliers, there is adherence to the Act.


As an integral part of the Company’s due diligence procedures in appointing suppliers, a statement of compliance with the Act is incorporated in the self-audit questionnaires used in the Company’s supplier approval process. Supplier approval is dependent upon a positive response.


The Company’s supplier approval process is a continuous process and any breaches of the Act will result in de-listing.

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